This is a weekly update on new Java 7 information. All information is maintained on my Java 7 page.
New info posted in the past week:
- Elliotte Rusty Harold posted his Java 2007 preview, which includes a lot of Java 7 info
- Java 7 Feature poll – this is older I think but I just ran across it
- Eamonn McManus posted on removing getters from Model MBean operations, an issue that should be fixed in JMX 2.0 (JSR 255)
- Added a new JSR 310 Date and Time API section to cover developments on that front (hopefully Java 7)
- Added a JavaLobby thread on XML support
- Stephen Colebourne posted an additional blog on his method adaptation version of closures (CICE) with anonymous functions
- Elliotte Rusty Harold posted some closure related musings as “Why hate the for loop?”
- Added a new section to cover miscellaneous language ideas
Stay tuned next week for further developments….