I wanted to put out a quick plug for a presentation I will be giving at the St. Louis Code Camp this Saturday on “Java 7 – What’s Next”. The St. Louis Code Camp is a free opportunity for developers to talk and present to other developers. Last year I spoke on “Getting Started with XQuery”. You can check out the full code camp schedule and info on the other great sessions.
I maintain a resource page on Java 7 and blog weekly updates on new information. My presentation this Saturday will be covering the likely features and proposals that have been discussed for Java 7, including Java Modularity, Swing improvements, NIO 2, closures, XML literal support, and more. I’ll show some examples of the various public proposals and hopefully broker some discussion about the more controversial ones. I’m especially interested to hear feedback from users of languages other than Java.
Hope to see you there on Saturday May 5th! By the way, many many thanks to Brian Button for putting the camp together this year and last!