Pure Danger Tech


Gateway Software Symposium

07 Mar 2008

Well, the conference is under way and I had a great first day speaking. After three back-to-back talks, I’m ready to give my voice a break! But I had a fun time and there were lots of good questions from the audience. There were a couple that stumped me – I’m trying to remember some of them but they’ve all blurred together now. If you had one, please post it here in a comment and I’ll do my best to track down the answer for you.

I was quite negligent in not getting my slides onto the conference materials USB drive, but here you can find the code examples used in all of my talks this weekend:

  • Java Collections API – code
  • Exploring Terracotta – code
  • Cluster Your Cache with Terracotta and Hibernate – code
  • Design Patterns Reconsidered – code

Probably my favorite part of the day today was catching up with old friends and colleagues and meeting new people. Good to see you all!