Pure Danger Tech


Keynote to 2-up B&W PDF

28 Mar 2008

This is probably a completely worthless post for virtually everyone but me or some random person in a Google search a year from now. For a presentation I needed to take a Keynote presentation and convert to 2-up black and white PDF.

I tried several different paths and a hard time getting both the 2-up layout and images converted sharply. Here’s what I ended up doing that worked for me:

  1. In Keynote, go to File->Print and click the down arrow next to Printer to get the settings on the bottom. On the Keynote tab, do “Print Individual Slides” and select any other options you like.


  1. Then on the Layout tab, select “Pages per sheet: 2”


  1. Then click in the bottom left on PDF -> Save as PDF
  2. Open the PDF in Preview
  3. In Preview, do Save As with “Format: PDF” and Quartz Filter: “Gray Tone”. </ol>