I’ll be presenting “Clustered Spring with Terracotta” next Wednesday June 25th at the St. Louis Spring User’s Group. The meeting is at 6 pm at the Maryville University Fenton Campus (on the south outer road of I-44 across from Maritz). If you’re interested in Spring, Terracotta, or how to get the best of both together, please drop by!
Here’s the abstract:
Spring provides a solid framework for building applications. Terracotta technology provides the ability to cluster portions of the Java heap and multi-threading primitives like synchronized and wait/notify. Terracotta provides integration with Spring that lets you seamlessly extend Spring across multiple Java Virtual Machines! This allows you to take existing beans and spread them across a cluster, turn Spring application context events into distributed events, export clustered beans via Spring JMX, and make your Spring Web Flow apps highly available and clustered.
Hope to see you there!