Pure Danger Tech


Clustered Spring with Terracotta

17 Jun 2008

I’ll be presenting “Clustered Spring with Terracotta” next Wednesday June 25th at the St. Louis Spring User’s Group. The meeting is at 6 pm at the Maryville University Fenton Campus (on the south outer road of I-44 across from Maritz). If you’re interested in Spring, Terracotta, or how to get the best of both together, please drop by!

Here’s the abstract:

Spring provides a solid framework for building applications. Terracotta technology provides the ability to cluster portions of the Java heap and multi-threading primitives like synchronized and wait/notify. Terracotta provides integration with Spring that lets you seamlessly extend Spring across multiple Java Virtual Machines! This allows you to take existing beans and spread them across a cluster, turn Spring application context events into distributed events, export clustered beans via Spring JMX, and make your Spring Web Flow apps highly available and clustered.

Hope to see you there!