Just wanted to list some upcoming events in the St. Louis area if you’re a developer…
It may be a little late notice for this but I am speaking at the Gateway JUG tonight about scaling Hibernate with Terracotta. You can find more meeting info here.
This Thursday night is the August edition of the Lambda Lounge and we have two great talks lined up. First is Matt Follett with a talk called “Perl: Not Dead Yet!” and the second is Aditya Siram talking about Haskell’s STM (Software Transactional Memory). Should be a great meeting as always. In September we currently have talks scheduled about metaprogramming in Groovy (from Jeff Brown) and external DSLs in Scala using parser combinators (from Tim Dalton).
If you’ve somehow missed the other announcements, the Strange Loop conference now has an official list of sessions and I think it’s a fantastic set of talks. The conference will be held on Oct. 22nd and 23rd at the historic Tivoli theater in the “Loop” area of St. Louis. Thursday night will also feature a party, probably at the famous Blueberry Hill. You can register for only $75 from now till August 14th. Register now!
Also, the Social Media Club of St. Louis is putting together a cool panel discussion on the evolution of the web on August 22nd, so check that out too. Looks to be a fun and interesting conversation with some good panelists.