Pure Danger Tech


St. Louis Innovation Camp

09 Jan 2010

I wanted to put some info up here about the upcoming St. Louis Innovation Camp. Brian Blanchard contacted me about this last year and has been working hard at putting the pieces in place. This thing is gonna be awesome.

The idea is to bring together all kinds of people interested in startups – business, marketing, developers, whoever for a weekend focused on building new companies in St. Louis. The event will include a training series, an innovator’s cup for the best ideas, and workshops about how to take an idea and turn it into a company.

The St. Louis Innovation Camp will be held Feb. 26-28th at UMSL and the cost to attend is $50. If you’re interested in sponsoring, speaking, or helping out please drop an email to info@stlinnovationcamp.com. If you want to attend:

Register Now!!